Student Examination Data

Gender Race/Ethnicity Parent's level of Education Lunch Test Preperatation Course Math Score Reading Score Writing Score StudentID
malegroup Dhigh schoolstandardnone454846282
malegroup Csome high schoolstandardcompleted636057293
malegroup Ahigh schoolstandardnone574347144
malegroup Bassociate's degreefree/reducednone676260296
malegroup Dsome high schoolstandardnone867370292
malegroup Dhigh schoolstandardnone535242281
malegroup Dhigh schoolstandardnone545252255
malegroup Dassociate's degreefree/reducednone908775300
malegroup Chigh schoolfree/reducedcompleted404650299
malegroup Chigh schoolstandardnone525349164
malegroup Esome collegestandardcompleted998781307
malegroup Bassociate's degreestandardnone807664304
malegroup Dsome high schoolfree/reducednone565452302
malegroup Eassociate's degreestandardcompleted717468298
malegroup Esome high schoolstandardnone948878172
malegroup Cassociate's degreestandardnone837278318
malegroup Bbachelor's degreestandardnone666057312
malegroup Bbachelor's degreestandardnone637169319
malegroup Csome high schoolstandardnone515244308
malegroup Asome high schoolstandardcompleted464143297
malegroup Dmaster's degreestandardnone808072254
malegroup Cmaster's degreefree/reducedcompleted626875181
malegroup Ehigh schoolstandardnone807665187
malegroup Csome high schoolfree/reducedcompleted455249185
malegroup Cassociate's degreefree/reducedcompleted656765186
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

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