The difference between a double quote and a singal quote is that if you use a double quote it will interpolate variables names, and get their value, but if you use a singal quote
it won't interpolate the variable name, and will just print the variable name as text.
to debug your php script, there are a few main things to keep in mind:
- make sure you are running the php script through a URL, as it needs to be used in a web server application
- Knowing what version of php you are using, as certain issues can arise if you aren't using the right version
- Make sure that display_errors is on, as this is what will tell you what isn't working, and can sometimes be turned off due to security reasons
- Make sure to check the HTML source code, as sometimes errors can be occuring in the html source of the page and php error messages can be hidden there
- Trust the error message, essentially meaning make sure you fully read and understand what the error message is saying before you start trying to change the code
- Take a break, or taking a step back can help by as you can become caught up in it and just become more confused
The $_SERVER is a variable that contains all the information regarding the browser and operating system that the user is using to access the script
Length of Name - 14
Normal - Nicole Prosser
lower - nicole prosser
Fraction Format - 1.2857
Number Format - 3,005
Nicole Prosser 16 06/08/2008 :)
<h1>This is some fancy HTML to be interperted</h1>This is some fancy HTML to be interperted
<h2>This is some more fancy HTML to be interperted</h2>This is some more fancy HTML to be interperted