The difference between a double quote and a singal quote is that if you use a double quote it will interpolate variables names, and get their value, but if you use a singal quote it won't interpolate the variable name, and will just print the variable name as text.

to debug your php script, there are a few main things to keep in mind:

The $_SERVER is a variable that contains all the information regarding the browser and operating system that the user is using to access the script

Length of Name - 14

Normal - Nicole Prosser

lower - nicole prosser


Fraction Format - 1.2857

Number Format - 3,005

Nicole Prosser 16 06/08/2008 :)

<h1>This is some fancy HTML to be interperted</h1>

This is some fancy HTML to be interperted

<h2>This is some more fancy HTML to be interperted</h2>

This is some more fancy HTML to be interperted